Topical Sermons

Father’s Day - Pastor Khyle Keener - June 16, 2024

Text: 1 Kings 2:1-4

Godly fathers work to establish a godly legacy


Mother’s Day - Pastor Jim Bitner - May 12, 2024

Text: John 19:25-27

Behold thy mother.


Who Do You Say I Am? - Pastor Jim Bitner - February 25, 2024

Text: Matthew 16:13-18

Answering the questions of Jesus


When Your Brook Runs Dry - Pastor Jim Bitner - December 31, 2023

Text: 1 Kings 17:1-7

Lessons learned from a dried up brook


Youth and Children Sunday - Pastor Khyle Keener - September 24, 2023

Text: Luke 10:25-37

You can show love by helping those in need


One Anothers - Pastor Jim Bitner - September 3, 2023

Text: 1 John 1:1-7

Looking at fellowship and 7 “one another” commands


Can Jesus Make a Difference in My Life Today - Pastor Jim Bitner - July 30, 2023

Text: Ephesians 1:1-14


Thanking God for the Thorns - Pastor Jim Bitner - July 2, 2023

Text: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10


Communion - Pastor Jim Bitner - May 21, 2023

Text: 1 Corinthians 11:23-34


Be Thankful - Jim Bernheisel - February 19, 2023

Text: Colossians 3:15


The New Me - Pastor Khyle Keener - January 1, 2023

Text: Colossians 3:5-17

You can be the “new me” in 2023


The Mystery of Israel and the Gospel - Pastor Khyle Keener - October 30, 2022

Text: Romans 11:25-32

God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, and mercy are displayed through the unfolding mystery of the Gospel


Youth & Children Sunday - Pastor Khyle Keener - August 28, 2022

Text: Esther 9:17-23

Let’s celebrate and praise God for his salvation


The Triumphal Entry - Pastor Khyle Keener - April 10, 2022

Text: Matthew 21:1-11

Cry out hosanna to Jesus the risen and sovereign King who chose to be crucified for your sins


Prayer Driven Ministry - Pastor Khyle Keener - January 16, 2022

Text: Colossians 1:9-14

The mission of MCF will only be accomplished through prayer


Celebration of the Past - Pastor Jim Bitner - January 9, 2022

Text: Isaiah 46:1-13

Remember the former things.

Remember not the former things.


New Creation Hope - Pastor Khyle Keener - January 2, 2022

Text: Romans 8:18-25

In the new year set your hope on God’s work of new creation


Leadership Transitions - Week 2- Pastor Jim Bitner - December 5, 2021

Text: Joshua 1:1-18

Principles of Leadership Transitions


Leadership Transitions - Week 1- Pastor Jim Bitner - November 28, 2021

Text: Numbers 27:18-23

Principles of Leadership Transitions


Thanksgiving - Pastor Khyle Keener - November 21, 2021

Text: Psalm 100

Give thanks to our good, loving, and faithful King by making a joyful announcement that he is King, serving him gladly, knowing him, and entering his presence with thanksgiving and praise